Saturday, October 31, 2015

Three things a godly lady watches out for before saying yes

So we had a blast  and a powerful take off yesterday at the KHC Mega Conference 2015. There was little hitch yesterday before we could stream, but eventually it was smooth. The Audio stream was perfect all through via KHC Radio. This morning, we’ll continue the streaming as soon we start the programme. We”ll also get updates across on Twitter @KandHClub and with #khccamp

Once again, you can join streaming via this page HERE

There are ladies and there are ladies. Every lady has her reasons for commitment. Some end up getting married

Friday, October 30, 2015

Four reasons why you should hold on to God as a single or married

Join us on our newly opened BBM Channel - C00188E21 

So, today is here finally. KHC Camp-Meeting 2015 begins today. If you have our Radio App, you can just listen to Audio from there. Alternatively, Our Live streams links are all over our sites and you can also find audio and video lives streams on this page HERE

For all our Partners that gave and are giving towards this meeting, our prayers are with you, We’ve not been able to acknowledge your seed in the mail immediately because of the preparation, but we will

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The one that can disgrace the bucket and use basket to fetch water!

Image source:
Join us on our newly opened BBM Channel - C00188E21

Excuse me, Can I provoke you this morning? The clouds are heavy. Rain of goodness and favour is about to engulf you. Your story is about to change. Lines are about to fall unto you in pleasant places. Heaven is about to stand still for you. His glory is about to be seen in your life.

You can as well say bye bye to every oppression of the devil. You can as well start rejoicing, for the Lord God Almighty is about to visit you. It is over with that sickness. No more!

Whether you are traveling down to join us at Camp-Meeting, or you are watching from a far away country through live-streaming, what

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Who or what is troubling you? Here is a word for them!


Join us on our newly opened BBM Channel - C00188E21

Jesus! It’s just two days to KHC Camp-Meeting 2015. Need I say more, that something great is about to happen in your life? Even as I write, my hairs are standing on ends, my toes are tingling, and my body almost vibrating because of the Shekina glory of God.

The re-writer of history is about to visit you. The one that opens a door and no man can shut is about to remove the hinges on the

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

If you are not ready to be committed, don’t get married

KHC Camp-Meeting 2015 Registration closes by 12pm tomorrow!

The Johnson’s marriage is one that looks like a contradiction. The husband is good, handsome, and born again. The wife is beautiful and also a child of God. But they fight almost on a daily basis. The husband has anger problem and talks too much. The wife internalises a lot and has a problem of forgiving others.

It looked like a perfect scenario for the devil to access, the husband gets angry and abuses, the wife internalises and cannot forgive easily. How will they ever get anything done?

Their prayer lives were hindered, they fought each other, insisting on who is wrong and who is right and the devil kept plundering

Monday, October 26, 2015

How to get the best of KHC Camp-Meeting from anywhere in the world

I want to use my life as an example and highlight some of the things God has done for me as an individual and as a family and how you can rise above your present disposition and move to the next big thing that God wants to do in your life.

The scripture says
"But the path of the [ uncompromisingly ] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [ it reaches its full strength and glory in ] the perfect day [ to be prepared ]. [ 2Sa 23:4 ; Mat 5:14 ; Php 2:15 ]"  (Pro 4:18, AMP)

There shouldn’t  be a better last year in your life. Things are meant to get better and better in your life.

Now listen to me and make sure you read this devotional. I feel in my

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Five things every single and married should pray for everyday

KHC Camp-Meeting 2015. 5 Days to go! Heaven is about to kiss the earth on your behalf, God is waiting, Jesus is ready, the angles are at attention, God’s vessels are ready to be used…are you ready? Register asap! Call Mr.Oba on 08069751456 for more info.

1. Minister unto God daily
This is very important and it should be an essential part of our daily relationship with God. Take a look at the scripture:
"Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever."  (Psa 145:2, KJV)

It is something you should daily, whether you are single or married. It gives you strength. It helps your perspective daily. At least, once in a day, take time to bless His holy name.

It is good if you can do it first thing in the morning.

2. Pray for favour daily
Almost daily, we eat till we are satisfied. We

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Singles and Married: How to overcome depression in order for your joy to be full

Depression is a tool in the hand of the enemy. It is beyond your moods, temperaments or genetic make-up.

Depression has wrecked a lot of marriages and homes, tearing them apart irrevocably. Is depression something we must live and cope with?

Depression has levels. Depression can become so intense that the victim loses its mind. Depression can also be soul-gripping that it leads to suicide.

Mild depressive tendencies can manifest themselves when there is grief, disappointments or when the moods of a woman changes. But when your moods, thoughts and beliefs seeks to overwhelm your life and take control, leading you away from God and all that

Friday, October 23, 2015

Five ways I became sure that Sophia would be my wife: The will of God

We will not be taking registration fees at point of entry at Camp-Meeting. Kindly make payment  in this few days left so that your meals and your accommodation can be taken care of. Thank you! Call Mr Oba on 0806 975 1456 for more inquiries. Thank you!

Today, we will be discussing the most important thing in choosing a spouse. So far we’ve looked at four different things in the last two days.

1. I had a knowing
2. I was given to dreams and visions
3. There was mutual attraction
4. I loved her sincerely

We are looking at the last point which I believe in my own estimation is about the most important.

People talk about “The will of God.” What is the

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Five ways I became sure that Sophia would be my wife - Part 2

Pastors Dunamis & Sophia
Good morning, Dear KHCItes. I started writing yesterday on Five ways I became sure that Sophia would be my wife. I mentioned three things yesterday which include

1. I had a knowing
2. I was given to dreams and visions
3. There was mutual attraction

This morning, we will continue.

But before we go on, must one be sure?  And the answer is Yes!

 You see, there are challenges that will come ahead. One of the most important battle strategies is understanding who your enemy is!

If you are already sure of your spouse, when challenges

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Five ways I became sure that Sophia would be my wife

This morning, I want to take you down memory lane and talk about how we started. You could learn  one or two things.

I tried looking back, how did I become exactly sure that Sophia Bolanle was my going to be my wife? It was interesting.

At that point, I had never asked out any lady, not even one person! I wondered why? What brought us together were series of events, one at a time, and gradual unveiling that eventual worked out together for our good.

Looking at how we met, I can only say God wanted us to be together, for the ultimate fulfillment of His purpose. Do you know that even in marriage, the purpose of God transcends your desires? She is the

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Five ways to know you are in love or someone is in love with you

Now, to today's Devotional,

Ade is all over Sandy. He professes that he cannot even breathe without her (and that could just be asthma!)

Sandy is not sure of his love and yet he is all over her. He is actually obsessed. How would she know if he really loves her?

Yesterday, I wrote about five things you need to know about falling in love and I just thought it would be good to have a sequel on Five ways to know you are in love or someone is in love with you

Does he really love me? Does she really love me? Sometimes it is hard to tell because of different situations.

Is he after my money or really in love? Is she just interested

Check out the programmes we have this Valentine's weekend. Click on the link